Wednesday 12 November 2014


Group Roles:
Cinematography: Alanta Tarling
Mise-en-scene: Alex Malerich
Sound: Carl Palmer
Editing: Freddie Taylor
Title: Friends With Benefits
The main theme for this video is going to be, a general good time with friends. The video is going to show us as friends having fun in our time together doing all these extravagant and exciting things as we run around look energetic and happy together. We will show performance scenes of us as the band playing the song that we will cut back to every few scenes for a few seconds at a time to make sure there is a good amount of performance scenes within the music video. As for the other scenes we will be using these to express us doing these many fun activities that we plan to take art in, with frequent cuts in-between them. As well as this there will also be a separate story running whilst these fun scenes are going on. This story is that the lead singer of the band wants more out of this relationship that she has with a boy in the video but he isn't interested, this will play out throughout the entirety of the video whilst the other performance, and fun energetic scenes are going onThis will be shown by every scene that the two of them are in she will be trying very hard to get his attention. 
Key Genre Conventions:
The song is quite a fast rock/alternative/punk song with quite an up tempo chorus, this leaves a lot of room for us to play out our narrative idea of fun activities whilst still allowing us to have an energetic performance scene that is constantly cut back to. The song also has a build up at the beginning of the song which is very conventional of this type of fast paced alternative rock genre as well as the raspy female vocals throughout the song also being a convention of this.

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