Monday 17 November 2014

Katy Perry - How Pop Videos Appeal To Target Audience and Her Private Life

Katy Perry - How Pop Videos Appeal To Target Audience and Her Private Life

Katy Perry's target would mainly be young girls from the ages of 14-17, and she also makes videos for specific meanings. She wants to portray herself as being the older sister/friend of which younger girls can look up to and help to therefore solve their problems. In her videos, she also wants to reflect some of the problems that girls of that age are likely to have, often finding a solution for those problems in which the girls can use themselves. The last meaning that she uses is that she aspires to be some kind of role model for girls, and to make herself look appealing in a way that is not threatening. 

As part of my analysis, I am going to looking at 5 examples of Katy Perry's music videos and will be using Andrew Goodwin's theory and will be applying his theory to these videos, to show what the particular videos are trying to demonstrate to the audience. 

Katy Perry - Hot and Cold (2008)

In this video, there are lots of close ups used on Katy Perry's face which is one of the major points in Andrew Goodwin's theory. In this video, she addresses one of the major problems that girls that age might face in the future which they would dread. In the video, Katy is at the altar about to marry a man, when he decides that he doesn't want to marry her anymore and he runs off. She is seen to be devastated, but then she runs off and chases him. She shows this in the music video of a way of using comedy elements to show a serious concern for girls of that age. She wants to empower girls and make them think that they all don't need men in order to be able to live their lives properly. Throughout the video, after the wedding breakup she is shown to be in control of him and he is not as superior as her. This is trying to imply that women can be in control and don't always have to be dominated by men. Near the end of the video, there's a scene that shows him lying down on his back on the floor, with Katy stood in front of him with a zebra next to her. She is shown to be in control of him and the situation in general, thus proving that women don't always need men. This is the message she is trying to get across to her young female audience.

Katy Perry - I Kissed A Girl (2008) 

In this video, lots of close up shots are used which is one of the major points in Goodwin's theory. She is able to appeal to her young target audience of girls aged 14-17, because the lyrics and visuals of the music video reflect an issue that girls in today's society have on a regular occasion. Firstly, she uses colour such as pink and red in order to appeal to girls that age, as they are popular amongst them. She sings that she kissed a girl, but then she also mentions that she has a boyfriend. This shows that she is unsure of her sexuality and whether she is gay or straight. She is unsure of her sexual orientation and she says that she kissed a girl in order to see if it was right for her, and whether that was actually her or not. This reflects the sexual insecurity that she has, and girls in her target audience are able to agree with her on her decisions. She's trying to empower girls of that age not to be scared of your sexuality and do whatever feels natural to you, without worrying about the opinions of others.

Katy Perry - Firework (2010)

In regards to Goodwin's theory, this video uses two major points of his theory. There are lots of close ups of Katy Perry in this video, which are used to convey emotion and it shows that Katy is really trying to connect with her audience. Also, when the close ups are being used, Katy is always looking directly at the camera which gives off the notion of looking. This pop video is able to appeal to target audiences as she is being older sister and helping younger people get over their fears. She is showcasing some problems that young people often find themselves having. For example, there's a boy who's suffering from his parents arguing, and he's getting stressed because of it. She is able to empower him, and when the fireworks go off, he goes and splits his parents up so they are not arguing anymore. Another example, is when there is a girl who is at the pool. She decides not to go in the pool, because of her weigh fear and being judged, as it is common knowledge that in today's society, girls are worried about their weight. Again, Katy is able to empower her and make her proud of being herself and who she is. 

Katy Perry - Wide Awake (2012)

A few of Goodwin's points in his theory are used in this video. Like most of Katy Perry's videos, there are lots of close ups used which show the emotion of Katy Perry throughout the video. Another one of Goodwin's points is the notion of repetition throughout the videos. For example, there's a scene in this music video where there's a firework which comes out of her body which is reminiscent of the music video "Firework". There are also quite a few important lines in this song which reflect her private life and her relationship with Russell Brand. One of the lyrics in the song is "Yeah, I was in the dark". This reflects on her time with Russell Brand and how it wasn't the best time in her life. Another of the lyrics in the song is "Yeah, I am born again". This means that she is trying to tell her audience that she has learnt from her mistakes from her marriage to Russell Brand and she wants forgiveness from her fans. This video almost symbolizes an apology from her to her fans, and she is trying to reconnect with her now older audience. She's trying to also tell her audience that she's a free woman again, after the scene where she punches the man (presumed to be Russell Brand) and says that she needs no man in her life. 

Katy Perry - Roar (2013) 

One of Goodwin's points in his theory is used immediately in this video, as it is making intertextual reference to older films with the way that the older style of title is set out. There are also lots of closeups which is another point in Goodwin's theory. In the video, the man gets ate by a lion leaving her all to herself. Also, in the lyrics, Katy sings "You had me down, but I got up", referring that she had a mistake in her private life with her marriage to Russell Brand, and that she was in the media because of their controversial marriage. She's telling her target audience that she acknowledges that she has made a mistake and she's learnt from it, and simply wants forgiveness from her fans who are now that much older. She also refers to "Already Brushing off That Dust" referring to she's done with Russell and thinks of him as dead weight of which she doesn't need him anymore. She also sings that she's going to "Roar" simply reminding her target audience that she is back and better then ever. In the second half of the video, she changes costume (mise-en-scene) into something that is quite low cu and she is suggesting that she is dressing this way because she's a free woman again, and she does what she wants. She's not dressing this way for a man as there isn't a man in sight, and she wants to be known again as a role model for the younger generation. She's giving out a positive message that she doesn't need men anymore.

In conclusion, Katy Perry has made lots of music videos which have different meanings and have different ways of reflecting her private life.

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