Wednesday 12 November 2014

Location Sheet

Location Visit Sheet

Programme Title: Friends With Benefits
Writer: Alex and Alanta
Producer: Carl
Director: Freddie
Date: 12th November 2014

Rough Sketch/Explanation of location and key points to note
For our music video, we will be using the band room in Robert Clack School as the room is mostly white which we feel will look best in our video. Also, there are lots of instruments in that room, which we can use in the performance scenes in our video.

Access to location via:
Robert Clack School

Name and number of location contact:
Robert Clack School - 020 8270 4222

Health and Safety Issues to note:

      When carrying the instruments, we must make sure that we don’t drop them or damage them. We also have to make sure that we don’t suffer any injuries when carrying them and taking care of them.
Potential Filming Problems:

      As we will be filming inside school, during school times, one of our problems may be that we get interrupted by students or staff
      As we plan to have a lot of extras in our video, one of our problems may be finding a time when everyone is available at the same time to be able to film our video.

Additional Notes:  (map of area/weather forecast etc.)

When deciding the day that we are going to film, it is important that we check that the band room is not being used on the particular day by anyone. If it is being used, it is likely that we won’t be able to use it.

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