Wednesday 12 November 2014

Shot List

Shot List

Shot Number
Close up of lead singer

Very high angle (establishing shot)

Dolly shot 

Lying down shot

Under the cymbal shot

Shot from behind drummer

Normal high angle shot 

Spinning around shot

Shot from headstock of guitar

Shot from headstock of bass guitar

Sparkler scene

Skatepark shots

Ending shot












13A very close shot to Alex's face so that you can see al of the emphasis on the first few sentences. 

 A very high angle shot of the performance seen that will be running in whole takes. 

A whole take of the band playing whilst someone is constantly moving the camera about on a mobile dolly. Making for very cinematic like shots. 

A shot of Alex (Lead singer) lying on the floor whilst singing a few lines of the song, single takes. 

A shot from underneath one of the drum cymbals, this is very close up so that you can see everything that is going on during the performance scene and it works very well with the music. 

A shot filmed with the camera shot from behind the drummer, this is so that the drummer is the main focus for a selection of the song. 

A regular high angle shot that will be running the entire way through the take. 

A shot of Alex holding the camera on a monopod and spinning around with it (Part of our montage of fun shot list)

A shot that resembles that of a GoPro shot, fits in with the alternative feel of the song very well. 

A shot that is exactly the same as the previous shot but on the bass player instead of the guitar player. 

An outside shot of everyone having fun with sparklers (part of fun montage) 

A few shots of us just having fun in a skatepark with a few friends and a mix of the music videos narrative also. 

Two main narrative characters sitting on a bench together, girl leans on him before the fade out to the credits. 

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