Wednesday 11 March 2015

Constructing The Magazine Advert

Before we could create our magazine advert, we had to plan different things that we would use in the advert. The first element that we had to decide on would be the main picture that we would use for our advert. We wanted to create a mood that we are a serious band, but that we have elements of fun in us as well. Also, as we are an alternative rock band, a typical band picture would be the band against the wall, of which we used for our magazine advert. We narrowed our pictures down to 2 of which we liked, but ultimately, decided to use the second picture.

The second element that we decided to plan was the font that we was going to use for the advert. We felt that this would be very important because we have to make sure that we choose a font that is suitable for the style  
of music video that we have already created. We wanted to choose a font which dictates a level of seriousness, but fun at the same time. We used the website "" in order to find the font that we feel would be most suitable for our video. Screenshots on the left show some of the different fonts that we considered as a group. We would look through many of the different fonts available, and then choose which one we thought was best. We typed in our band name "Remember December" in order to get a preview of what it would look like. After much debating within the group, we finally decided on the font "Bebas Neue" which is the top screenshot. We feel that this font was the most suitable font as it achieves the goals that we needed our font to be, which was to be serious but fun at the same time.

The third element that we had to decide would be what other pictures we could use for our magazine advert. This would show places of where our album would be available to buy and download so that people could actually listen to our album. By doing this, it would make people aware of where they could listen to our album, and it also made our magazine advert look much more professional. We decided to include well known names that people will of heard of before. In the end, we decided to use Spotify and iTunes on our actual advert.

Once we had considered all of the elements that we would need to know before starting the production of our magazine advert, we was then actually able to start creating it. We used Adobe Photoshop for the production of our advert.

 Our first magazine advert production session led to this screenshot on the left. As you can see, we had made a good start to the production of our magazine advert. We decided to use a black background for our advert because of us being an alternative rock band. We also imported our picture into the document and then edited the contrast and brightness of our picture in order to make us into black and white. We are doing this to keep a consistent style, as we are also doing a similar style in our digipak. We also downloaded and imported our font "Bebas Neue" into Photoshop and then used our band name "Remember December" at the top. We also used the album name "Friends With Benefits" with the album release date "19.06.15". We then decided to use a turquoise/green colour as we felt that it stands out against the black background. The final thing that we did was to add a 5 star rating to make our advert seem professional.
Our second magazine advert production session was when we thought about other different things that we could put in our magazine advert. In particular, we thought about different places that we would make our album available. We imported the Spotify logo and the iTunes logo (as seen on the left) and then we used the "Free Transform" option of where we would reduce the size of the logo without making the image contorted.

This was what our magazine advert looked like after finishing our second production session. As you can see, we had added the logos of iTunes and Spotify into our advert, and we had also added another 5 star logo. We then had put in names of famous music critics who have rated our album 5 stars. We felt that this made our magazine advert look much more professional.

On our third magazine advert production session, we finally had finished the production of our magazine advert. As you can see, we had added a QR code, of where customers could scan the code using a QR code reader and then it would take them to the bands website "". We then just added the website just below the QR code so that people could go to the website in order to find out more information about our band.

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