Tuesday 24 March 2015

Constructing The Digipak

Back Panel of Digipak

The first panel that we decided to work on when producing our digipak was the back panel. For this, we wanted the panel to contain 4 pictures of the back of all the group members heads. We decided on this because it would match the front of the digipak. Originally, we had the idea of having contrasting black and white colours. As you can see, Alanta in the top left corner has a white background, whereas Freddie in the top right corner has a black background. We originally thought this would be a good idea as it would show off our bands image.

After doing this, we decided to have a put a black border to put around the 4 pictures. We would do this so we would have space to put the QR Code and few other bits of information.
However, after reviewing this panel, we found that there was a few colour problems. For example, Alex in the bottom left corner, we felt that it didn't really look right, and it looked too superficial. Also, Freddie's hair was white which was totally false so we decided to alter the colours again. We found the contrast that we wanted as seen on the photo on the right.
We then applied this contrast effect to all 4 pictures on the panel so it kept a consistent feel to the digipak. We felt that this looks much better then the design idea that we had before. After this, we put the names of different songs on the back as this is a typical feature of digipaks. To finish, we wanted to make our back panel look more professional. To do this, we added a barcode of which would be scanned when customers buy the product. Customers could also use a QR Code Reader/Scanner which would take them to the bands website. We then decided to have a copyright logo with the name of a company. We ended the panel with the website of the copyright company.

Front of Digipak 

The next panel we decided to create was the front panel. As the back panel of our digipak contained the back of our heads, we decided that the front of our digipak should show our faces. As you can see from the album cover on the right, we was heavily inspired by the band "No Doubt" with their album "Push and Shove".

We adopted a similar kind of style for our digipak front panel. However, we slightly altered their idea of having a white and black background, and we stuck with having white backgrounds for all 4 pictures. This maintains consistency. We used similar toning settings as in the back panel, but we made the images sharper in order to make us stand out more at which I felt we was successful at.

After we was happy with the how the pictures looked, we then added the same black border around the images. This keeps a consistent feel to the digipak as we also used a black border for the back panel. We was able to use this black border in order to put the artists name at the top, and then put the album name at the bottom.

Inside Panels of Digipak 

After completing the front and back panels of the digipak, we then decided that we should work on the 3 inside panels. For this, we wanted to keep a consistent idea of where we could apply across all 3 panels, instead of having separate ideas on the 3 panels. For this, we decided to fill the whole 3 panels with shots of our band. We have shots of as a group and individual shots of all band members.

We decided to go with this idea as it fits in with the montage idea of which we used in our music video. We also decided to use black borders around each of the pictures as it keeps with our consistency of using black borders in the front and back panels. It also makes our pictures look presentable.

We then decided to edit the pictures so that they were a bit darker which would match the theme of front and back panels of the digipak. After that, we added a CD Impression. This would show where the CD would go. As you can see, we made it slightly transparent so you can still see the pictures behind the impression.

Last Digipak Panel 

The last panel that we had to produce was the panel which shows on the outside, and is between the front panel and the back panel. We noticed from researching other digipaks that this panel never usually had much on it, just because of its placement. As a result of this, we decided to use a very simple idea of having a group picture of the band. We used the same black and white settings that we had used in our back digipak panel. We, again used a black border around this panel in order to achieve consistency. For effect, we then decided to find fonts using www.dafont.com . We wanted to find fonts that looked like signatures so we could add them to this panel so that it had a good purpose. We feel that the fonts that we chose work well, and give the panel a professional signature look.

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