Monday 8 December 2014

Editing Update 2

Editing Update 2

After filming the park scenes, we decided to have our second session of editing. We was able to film scenes which we can use for the montage parts of our song, and also the bits which we are going to use for the storyline. There's one particular piece of editing that we done, of which we as a group was very proud of. There's a part of the song of where there are 32 beats, and we was able to put in 32 different edits. We was very proud of this, and we was able to successfully edit each clip to the beat, and we feel that it drastically improves our video. It also shows our editing skills of being able to edit to the beat well. These 32 clips are useful as well, as they detail the montage scenes that we were aiming to use in this video.

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