Wednesday 17 December 2014

Audience Research

Audience Research

Before we make our music video, we will need to do some audience research. We will have to find out information about our audience before we make music video because we will be able to know what they like and what kind of music videos will appeal to them. It is important that we do this well so we know what features people will like so we can put them in our video to appeal to our audience. By doing this, we will be able to appeal to our target audience, and also try to be able to appeal to as wide an audience as possible. We have to make sure that when we conduct our audience research, that we ask suitable questions and ask the right kinds of questions which makes sure that we get the suitable information that we need in order for our audience research to be useful and for us to use it well. Examples of these questions include:

  • Do you watch music videos?
  • What kind of music do you listen to?
  • What is your age?
  • How do you listen to music?
  • What makes a great music video?

There are many types of ways of which we can conduct audience research. Some of the ways of which we can do audience research are:

  • Surveys
  • Questionnaires
  • Interviews
  • Focus Groups
  • Vox Pops

Vox Pops 

A vox pop is a type of audience research. Usually, there are personally filmed interviews which are conducted in public places.

This is the audience research that we have done as a group. We have done this so we can find out information about our potential audience, and what kind of people that they are. We will use the information that we will receive from people who complete this questionnaire in order to be able to target the correct audiences. 

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

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