Monday 9 February 2015

Digipak - Analysing Two Existing Digipaks

What is a digipak? 

Usually, a digipak consists of usually 6 paperboards/card stocks which are able to join together. The outer biding allows the 6 to be able to come together. At least one of the card stocks contains a plastic CD Holding case which is where discs are kept, and they are kept in place by the tray. It means, that when the album is opened, you can flip the disc out, instead of simply opening up the plastic case. Digipak editions are often used for special editions of CD Singles or Albums and are known as premium packaging. A typical digipak could include:

  • Pictures/Photographs - Usually at least one of these will be a close up of the artist/s, and will show a particular emotion. Another one of these frames may show a particular emotion which may relate to the album or a particular song.
  • Track List - Sometimes on the back frame, there is a track list, which shows all of the songs which are included, and tells people what order they come in, when played in a CD player. 
  • Disc Impression - This would be 1/2 frames which are dedicated to holding the CD in place. The plastic CD holding case is able to hold the disc, but a slight background can be seen through the case. This may be a simple design, or a simple picture as it is not always clear to see. Alternatively, there may be a design on the disc. 
  • Information on the Album and Artist - This would include all members of the band, and what instruments they play/jobs they do. This would also include any additional musicians that they may have needed for one song. Copyright information and year of release would also be given. 
  • Barcode and Record Company Logo
  • Other albums/singles that the artists have released before. 

The combination of a black background with the golden colour of text really makes this album cover stand out. The Goldish/Brown colour really makes the font stand out and almost brings it to life. The choice of Gold also reflects that AC/DC are one of the best artists out there, with the idea of Gold being very valuable. It is a very simple, but very effective choice of album cover, as it isn't overly complicated and it does its purpose. I also think the little Gold bits around the title, suggests that AC/DC are a bit edgy, and like to do things out of the ordinary.

The use of colour imagery is very good in this digipak. I think that the choice of colours that have been used are very effective. I like the shade of red that has been used, as it stands out a lot against the dull grey/greenish background. Also, the image reflects the album name. The name "Breaking Through The Silence" is reflected in the picture, as there are cracks in the floor which symbolises the breaking through. Also, there is a person on the far left, which tells us this is a human problem, and possibly that he/she is a quiet person and wants to change this.

Relationship between Digipak and Magazine Advert - Katy Perry 

This is an example of a digipak and magazine advert that are trying to advertise the same artist and the same album. This example is Katy Perry and her album "I Kissed A Girl". As you can see, the album cover is on the right, and the magazine advert is on the left. These two work well together as the same font is used. Where Katy Perry's name is written on both, the same style of font is used. This is so that audience would recognise that these different media texts are for the same artist and the same album. This makes the relationship between the two very effective. Also, she is wearing pink clothing in both media texts which also shows the relationship between the both.