Wednesday 1 October 2014

Purpose of a Music Video

When a song is made, a music video can also be made with it. There are two main reasons why music videos are made for songs:
  1. Make Money
  2. Promotion/Publicity

If a song has a music video, people may decide to watch it so they can listen to the song and also see what the music video is all about. The music video is able to make the song more appealing if it has a music video attached to it. Because of this, music videos are able to promote the artist/song/album because more people would be listening to the song and watching the music video. If more people are becoming more aware of the song, then it is likely that more people would want to buy the song which means more money for artist of the song. All of this would also raise audience awareness of the artist and would be more willing to listen to future records from that particular artist. Music videos can also be used for product placement, which in fact, is advertising products that are seen in the music video. Example is "Christina Aguilera - Not Myself Tonight"


Synergy can also be used in music videos. Synergy is when two or more medias come together and help each other to be successful. The music video of a song is just one way in which a song can be promoted and exists as just one part of the whole marketing campaign of one song. The music industry has a relationship with many other media forms and they are able to combine to help each other make money. In particular, films and music videos are able to work together to help make money for each other. A good example of this is the film "Skyfall" and the song of the same name sung by "Adele". In the music video, there are particular bits which are reminiscent of the film. For example, at 1:24, the music video shows flames. This is reminiscent of the film because at the very end of the film, there's a scene with flames to show that there's a connection. Also, the OO7 sign is shown right at the beginning of the video to advertise the film. In the film "Skyfall", the song is played at the start of the song. This creates synergy because the people who watch the film may also buy the track and vice versa.

Another example of the Film and Music Video synergy working well together is the film "Robin Hood: Prince of Theives" and the song "Everything I Do" by Bryan Adams. The song was featured in the film, and was at #1 in the UK Charts for 16 consescutive weeks, which is the most weeks any song has ever been #1 consecutively. Part of this reason was because the song was featured in the film, so it meant that people who liked the film, also liked the song and spend money on both medias, making them both successful. Also, parts of the film was also featured in the music video.

1 comment:

  1. Carl! This post still needs improving! You must ensure that you have included all the videos that you have made reference to and give a detailed explanation about how the video is a good example of the point you are making.
